A note from our photographer Michelle Chaplow
Look forward to our next Andalucia.com Calendar in 2014! Due to the current economic climate in Andalucia, Andalucia.com will focus the 2012/13 marketing budget on it's next generation web features and our never ending quest for creation of valuable and informative content.
These are exciting times and while the economic situation may be tough, we are investing in innovation Andalucia.com is very enthusiastic about the future, the calendar will be back in 2014!
In 2014 we hope to bring you a new style, a new take on imagery, a fresh new product in the making.
If you feel that you would like to collaborate in the next edition, by way of revealing a beautiful location, modeling or providing new and innovative ideas....
We would love to hear from you!
Email us at: info@andalucia.com